Grammar Exercises, Prepositions

Prepositions: In and Out of Love

Choose the correct preposition in brackets. Sometimes no preposition is necessary.  Nick has fancied _____ Amy for ages. Maddox says he fell _____ love _____ Emma the moment he saw her. Sam used to have a crush _____ his German teacher. Patricia adores _____ Alexander but she doesn't want to marry _____ him yet. Gwyneth… Continue reading Prepositions: In and Out of Love

Confusing Words, Vocabulary Exercises, What's the Difference?

What’s the Difference? (4): Look, See, or Watch?

Learners often mix up the verbs look, see and watch. Understanding the difference and using them correctly is a little tricky. Let's see if I can clarify them for you.... LOOK / LOOK AT When we look at somebody or something there is a specific intention, a reason. We turn our eyes in a particular… Continue reading What’s the Difference? (4): Look, See, or Watch?

Vocabulary, What's the Difference?

What’s the Difference? (3) At the end vs. In the end

These two little phrases are often confusing for students, the only difference is a tiny wee preposition! They are high frequency so you do need to know them properly. The explanations will show you when you need to use 'at' and when to use 'in'. Do the exercise at the end 😉  to check you've… Continue reading What’s the Difference? (3) At the end vs. In the end